Saturday, 22 March 2014


Now and then I find out something new about vintage toys which is a revelation. A light bulb does literally light up inside my head!

A good example was during the first get-together Bill, Scoop and I had a couple of years ago at Bill's house. We were discussing TV21 comic and Scoop said something like " Its a pity that all the Project SWORD stories in the comic were just text with one drawing". I was stunned. "What, all of them? No strips at all?"

You must remember that I didn't get TV21 comic that often when I was a kid. Just the odd one along with the odd Shoot and Fantastic. I was a comic dabbler until I got Look-In every week [the Junior TV Times!]. So I had no real direct experience of Project SWORD in TV21, only what I'd picked up on from the blog. It was a light bulb moment!

Well, I had another one this week. This time I was reading an old copy of One Inch Warrior magazine, specifically an article about Tri-ang SpaceX astronauts. the article stated that some of the small astronauts, besides being based on the LP series, were also based on old Marx/ MPC designs. "What!" I cried from the bathroom [the magazine is part of my current WC library!]. "Marx!" "MPC?" I quickly checked and yes, there was an MPC design staring at me from a carded Mobile HQ in a picture I'd been sent by Vince only that week. Doh!

I don't own many SpaceX toys so again, I don't have much direct experience of the intricacies of the range. When I was a kid I won't have noticed the difference in the astronaut designs I don't think. I was too busy blowing them up with my UFO Interceptor missile!

Have you had a toy light-bulb moment readers?


  1. You're cogitating on my words of wisdom in the [best Lady Bracknell voice] LAVATORY! The lavatory? Shocked...shocked and stunned....


  2. Cogitating on the loo is always fun Hugh! PS. Been re-reading my small stash of One Inch Warrior mags. I hadn't realised you were so heavily involved in it! Is it still going?

  3. re Spacex origins - if you'll recall the piece I did for your blogiversary, the link to MPC was there. No Marx origin though, definitely. I think to most people Marx and MPC have become synonymous (esp when selling on epay) or else they can't be bothered to make a proper distinction.
    Best -- Paul

  4. "oops" upon rereading the other comments.
    My remarks weren't directed at Maverick! -- Paul

  5. No Woodsy, there wasn't the market for a regular issue, we tried it for a year (with a set budget for that purpose) and they came about 3 years after the first 'special' and then the 2nd 'issue' also larger.

    Paul may issue another 'special' but there's so much on the Internet now it's probably not worth it.

    He does have some back issues still if you have gaps, as does Kent Sprecher at ToysoldierHQ

    I was also Bell, Anderson, Cooldry and others in those mags, along with providing other images...the Tudor Rose stuff for Stuart Asquith's article etc...

    Paul - Off the top of my head I think the later additions were three MPC and one Marx? They were the unmarked base ones in Spacex/Golder/Mikephil sets, they aren't in the cake decoration issues or the painted/unpainted grey, white, silver or coloured issues, just the chromium-plated ones? Although I think I have some marbled brown styrene ones? They'll be in the article I did here?

  6. As far as Spacex is concerned, the first series had a mix of LP figures, marked as such, and unmarked figures based on MPC originals as well as based on the large astronaut figures marketed by Multiple Toymakers. The latter were made in Canada, by an as yet unknown manufacturer. But not Marx, who in any case wouldn't be marketing their figures through one of their main competitors.
    Second series Spacex I think has only LP figures, which lost their yellow varnish and also their trademark underneath. Golden Astronaut sets followed suit.
    What I've seen of Mikephil sets have LP figures only, so no Marx involved there either. I'll have to find your article again.
    Best -- Paul

  7. Maybe I'm getting the two scales mixed with the two makes? I know it was some of one and some of the other!??


  8. Thanks for all your input Hugh and Paul. I will have to re-read the blogged articles you did. Thanks for for doing them again guys! Its hard to remember what we've covered and what we haven't sometimes!

    Sorry to hear One Inch Warrior is no more Hugh. I have a few issues and they are a great read as is Plastic Warrior.
