Friday, 21 March 2014

Moon Prospector Survey

I will be doing some research into Moon Prospectors this Spring. To help me I wondered if I might ask readers to have a look at their own Prospectors, should you have one and let me know, via the comments, which maker's mark there is and where it is: Century 21, Tarheel, T in a Circle, Chibi/ Bichi?

I'm particularly interested to hear from any readers who have boxed Prospectors. Which makers marks are on the box and on the toy. Are they different?

Thanks in advance folks and keep on Prospecting!


  1. No one's got more Prospectors than you, Woodsy ; )

  2. I do have a few Scoop but the possibility of cross-branding is something I'm interested in. Do readers have Tarheel prospectors in Century 21 boxes or T in a Circle Boxes or vice versa? Get 'em out and have a look!

  3. Nil return, mine says Century21 on the box and the toy.
