Wednesday 1 January 2014


Before I take a break from Dan Dan and Eagle related items for a little while I thought I'd finish with some pictures from the colourful and innovative Dan Dare Pop -Up book.

This much sought after little gem came out around 1953 and was illustrated by Eagle artist Desmond Walduck.

It featured five 3 D pop up pictures starting with, 'Rockets Away' which shows three space ships being launched from Space Fleet H.Q. on their way to the 'Red Moon'. Their mission is to blow it off course with atom bombs before it collides with Earth.

The picture of the three rockets taking off together was inspired by a panel first seen in the original Dan Dare ' Red Moon' strip.

The second picture shows the control room of a Rotor-Cruiser ship.Dan is using the periscope, Hank is at the Spectron-Viewer and Prof Peabody is plotting the course on the 3-dimensional course computer.

The third pop-up shows Satellite Space Station SFJ2 with the Anastasia approaching.

Here we see a close up of the station leisure dome.

The forth picture shows the Venusian city of Mekonta and one of the Mekon's Telezero Reflector ships.

The Telezero ship was about to be borrowed by Sir Hubert and the spacefleet gang.

The final pop-up shows the Anastasia coming in to land on the Red Moon.

The book is similar to another pop-up I've mentioned in a previous post - 'Into Space with Ace Brave' which was published in 1955.
Here's the link:

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