Sunday 8 December 2013


As we slowly approach the cavalcade of films on TV at Christmas, we hope, like every year, for at least a few decent Sci-Fi and monster movies. But what about those amazing stories we read that never made it onto the Big Screen. A few years back I got a mate of mine this book for Xmas on the very subject.
The one movie never made that stands out for me personally is Childhood's End, that fabulous tale of an alien dictatorship with a twist. The iconic image of the alien craft poised high above has appeared on the book's cover and even in the beginning of the movie Independence Day but never its own film. Its fascinating to think that Kubrick himself might have brought it to the big screen had the rights been available.
I have seen some beautiful movie concept art for Childhood's End by seminal comic artist Neal Adams, which I think appeared in Starlog magazine. What do you think? Will it ever be filmed and what is your favourite sci-fi movie [or indeed toy] that never was readers?


  1. Supposedly the U.S. Syfy channel has the rights to it, and it is in the process of being developed as a mini-series for 2014 (yeah, I know, famous last words, how many times has it been in development?).

  2. For me it is A.I. directed by Stanley Kubrick.

  3. For me it would be CS Lewis's space trilogy "Out of the Silent Planet", "Perelandra" and "That Hideous Strength".
    I did a scratch build of the Weston spacecraft from the the first book based off of the 1965 edition book cover by Bernard Symanyk.
