Friday, 22 November 2013

Hooded Swan flies again

Some time ago, after I posted about the Terran Trade Authority series of art books, modeller Kevin Davies sent me the above photo of a small model he had built from Brian Stablefords Hooded Swan series of novels. The Swan featured prominently in the TTA books and as it transpired, was a firm favourite of many readers, including our own P.Toad.

Not a man to rest on his laurels or his workbench, Kev has just completed a second, larger scale model of the Swan, based on Angus McKies glorious cover art which graced Stablefords novels.


  1. Beautiful model Kevin, you're an expert modeller. Hope the TTA books are republished one day!

  2. Awesome! Very easy to see the influence on Serenity, the ship from Joss Whedon's Firefly!

  3. Thanks folks, much appreciated. Yes, there is a look of 'Serenity' there.
