Sunday, 27 October 2013


I'm always amazed when I find a new toy based on a Gerry Anderson vehicle. It doesn't happen often but on Sunday I bought a Vivid Imaginations large scale SPV at Dewsbury car boot sale. Getting home I researched the toy online, during which I found these pictures of the following toy truck completely new to me, the Vivid Imaginations Captain Scarlet Liquid Oxygen First Line Defence System Truck.

I don't know this truck from TV show and I've never seen the toy before. It's one I shall be looking out for at car boot sales from now on. I wonder just how many Gerry Anderson vehicles have actually been made into toys over the years? 50%? 75%? It would make an interesting database!
Does anyone know about the role the truck played in Captain Scarlet on TV?


  1. I'm not sure if the truck ever appeared on TV or not, 'though I wouldn't be surprised. However, it was included with the SPV as a target for the front missile, as the truck breaks apart when the missile strikes it.

    It's a great toy - I bought mine from Woolworths when it first came out.

  2. Yep, in Avalanche, a longer version of the truck appears. I almost bought the set just for the truck!

  3. I think sometimes that they are really hard to found but the best to found them is always at a Car Boot Sale

    1. I've never seen another one since Ryan. Then again they are not easy to spot at Car Boot Sales!
