Thursday 16 May 2013

Your Computer Is Updating For the Next Ten Years!

Like road works, updates on my PC are just a pain in the a*se. I don't know about you but I find them unwelcome, inconvenient and indescribably irritating.

Microsoft, Java, Adobe, AVG et al all seem to want to update constantly and together!
The worst offender is Microsoft, whose updates seem to turn my laptop into a Chinook helicopter as it whirs crazily trying to cope with the data-blast. It then wants to turn itself off and configure all the updates as well! Its such a pain in the neck!
Recently, Google and Picasa have joined the ranks too. Every time I upload photographs to Picasa, not only does it want me share them with all and sundry, it even ID's people in my snaps, regardless of the fact that some photos were forty years old, and tries to contact them! What the hell is going on?
And just what's the deal with Google + ? All roads seem to lead there regardless of where you started! Do Google own everything? Are we seeing the beginnings of Big Google?
Am I alone with my online frustrations or does anyone else feel the same?


  1. I do a lot of browsing on my phone now, it's easier.

  2. Should have got a mac mate!

  3. I wanted a MAC, and nealy bought one a few years ago, but Apple went off and invented the i-pad, i-book i-phone, i-fone, i-notelett, i-sink etc...and took their i off the MAC!

    You are not alone Woodsy, I've just left my umpteenth message to Google-call-me-blogger about my lost schedules on the Airfix blog.

    While this Google+ thing is a right pain, you used to be able to check-up your commenters and followers and find out if they had a blog you should be following, now it just says "so and so hasn't included you in their circle"...

    ...well of course not, they've only just discovered my blog you retarded machine!

    As I said to them just now in reply to their 'how was you search experience' questionnaire -

    Why would I give a full answer; they don't listen, they don't reply and they couldn't give a fig for private blogger's, they just want to commercialize it to the n'th degree and in doing so are making it so youth oriented and complicated that they are starting to leave people behind!?


  4. I couldn't agree more, Woodsy (and I 'm on a Mac as it happens). I generally ignore the updates, where I'm glad there's a "not now" button. If something works fine for me then it doesn't need an update, which will only help in making my machine slower and slower too.

    As to Google, it keeps telling me it wants to change my ID on youtube, but "my channel" will stay identified by the old one. I don't have a channel and I don't want to consolidate anything. All the more so because Google must have "shared" data with linkedin, because the latter wants me to connect to people I've once sent an email to via gmail half a decade ago. I don't like that either.

    Best -- Paul

  5. Ah yes, the search experience... for some reason both google and epay have taken it into their heads that they know what I find interesting. And then spend half their pages if not more with inane links and auction items that share one or two random words with what I'm looking for. epay thinks that's an improvement over the wildcard search that they stopped supporting. Which was the single most useful thing for finding anything quickly. I don't want to spend entire evenings trawling though "space toy" followed by "spaceman" "spaceship" spacecraft" etc, which were once possible to get in one go. So I'm actually buying less on ebay than I could have. Serves them right.

    thanks for the opportunity to grumble out loud :)

  6. LMAO Spot on Woodsy. I don't know how to explain it but both the Frau & I have been experiencing Internet meltdown. I think the frustration level has simply reached the boiling point. I never got into the whole Google+ thing beyond posting my pictures in Picasa. I have a whopping three people in my 'circle' and that's it - no more. It's nuthin' more than a farcebook wannabe. I've started culling the number of blogs I follow - waaay too much reading, leaving little time for other things. Also went to all 'social' busy body sites and stopped every e-mail notification that it was possible to stop; 'Unsubscribed' to every darn piece of dookie commercial sight that kept sending me their 'buy my stuff now' e-mail garbage.

    The Internet can be fun, but without monitoring it's like the backyard lawn: if you don't mow it at least a couple times a year it will make life miserable.
