Sunday 12 May 2013


Just tried to watch Hardware on You Tube. Billed as the best sci-fi/ horror movie from the 90's not many people have seen, I can see why. It appears to have been shot entirely with the lights off. Hardware is part of that sub-genre of 80's and 90's flicks set in industrial post-apocalyptic wastelands popularised by Mad Max. Very much the dying Earth of Project SWORD!

OK, Hardware is in the bin but there are more of the genre to check out, which I haven't seen:  Twelve Monkeys, Dark City, City of Lost Children. Can't think of any more. Can you?


  1. Isnt hardware the one where a girl brings home half a war droid to make into a sculpture? Its based on an early 2000ad comic story and apart from a tasty redhead lead, isnt worth pursuing

  2. There was also the 1990-ish ITV remake of Quatermass, which I think is on Youtube.

  3. I'll have to check that out Andy. I love Quatermass. My favourite is Quatermass and the Pit from the 1960's with Barbara Steele. We could do with a Quatermass type series on TV nowadays.

  4. The john mills one was really weak and the much more recent regash of the 'xperiment' with jason whatsit was atrocioys!

  5. Bit like my one finger typing...

  6. 12 Monkeys I found to be quite good, pandered to my dark side but hard to follow the plot at points, still the end is pretty clear if you do lose the gist half-way through...
