Friday, 22 March 2013

Snow Joke

I know a lot of you folks in Europe and beyond cope with snow and ice without any problems but here in Blighty a flurry of snow and a very chilled wind and the country grinds to halt!

I loved this weather when I was a kid but these days it's just a pain.

Struggling to start the Probe this morning I made my way to work but on the way looking at the fields I thought how picturesque they looked.

It cheered me up so I thought I'd share  them with you people  - roll on summer!


  1. Nice pictures, I struggled through an hour of ungritted motorways to discover work is shut because of the snow!

    1. Crazy, Kevin . I'm working at a school doing fire doors and they''ve closed that to kids. Half the teachers didn't turn up anyway. When I was a nipper I don't remember my school closing for a bit of snow .

  2. My school only closed on -extremely- snowy days, Scoop, where I always had the naive notion that that was to allow us to play in the snow.
    Pity that P2 took off without you on board. :)

    @Kevin: I love driving in the snow (giving the Alfa the odd handbrake turn :) but all the fun gets taken out of it by the other poor & scared sods making up the jams I'll be in.

    In general, my opinion on the snow makes no difference at all to the weather gods, so I figure I may as well enjoy it while it's there.

    Best -- Paul

    1. That's fair, Paul , but this weather means my golf game's cancelled tomorrow - they won't even let me play with orange balls !!! ; D

  3. That's not fair from your greens comittee, Scoop. You should encourage them to become the whites comittee for the duration, and help you get golf included in the Olympic Winter Games!

    Best -- Paul
