Wednesday, 20 February 2013


Predator was one those cinematic creations that went beyond  it’s original 1987 film, and captured the imagination of comic readers, gamers and collectors of toys and models alike.

I wouldn't call myself a fan , and I’m certainly no expert on it but I found myself enjoying it vicariously through my son, who along with his friends, really took to it.

Although  it’s  pretty much Alien revisited I imagine the Predator’s appeal is it’s essence of personality and it’s codes of honour etc rather than just being a soulless unreasoning killer. - plus something we all should understand, a compulsion to collect things!

In the past during my occasional trips to Memorabilia at the NEC , my son always asked for me to keep an eye open for any Predator toys or models.

I loved the artwork on this Micro Machine pack.

"There's something out there waiting for us, and it ain't no man!"

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