Sunday, 10 February 2013


Following tangenitally on from the recent action figure thread, here are two of my favourite action figures, which for me are unusual as they fit in the seven inch scale. Being a reader of sci fi weekly 2000ad, i was delighted to see a brief range of some of my favourite characters made into toys. Judges Dredd, Death and Anderson headlined the range, but i was pleased to see the two Strontium Dog bounty hunters, originally drawn by Carlos Esquerra make an appearance, in quite faithful detail. Johnny Alpha is almost perfect with his helmet  chest holster and futuristic weaponry and his vampiric colleague Durham Red is modelled after her Mark Harrison reboot style.

Red has her twin pistols which attach magnetically to her leather clad hip. Unfortunately, the line was short lived and never made it beyond six figures.

1 comment:

  1. Yesterday my youngest daughter and I went to Toys R Us (it's next door to the Target we like to go to) and I noticed what I think is a fairly new line of 12" action figures along with some large vehicles (the vehicles were a tad too small for the 12" figures but they were still quite large). I should have written down the name of the line - "something, something Heroes" or whatever. Anywho I was surprised because up 'til now I had thought the 12" action figure market had degenerated into those over-priced, special edition, serial numbered, coming with birth certificate, name-your-own-hero, change-its-diaper, collectors thingies.
