Tuesday 8 January 2013

Skaro Supplemental 2: Letraset Daleks

A couple of pictures I found a while back on the internet. Letraset Action Transfers featuring the Dalek Invasion of Earth. I can't remember where I found them, so if somebody recognises them let me know and I'll gladly give you a credit.  Anyway, I thought they looked pretty good , though why  Dalek saucers would land by The Victoria Memorial  and attack Buckingham Palace is anyone's guess!


  1. From here, perhaps?


    As for attacking Buckingham Palace: it was a misunderstanding on the part of the Daleks. Erroneously, they initially believed Humans to be a hive species, based upon the way Humans love gathering themselves into well-defined groups with distinctive modes of dress, speech-patterns, etc.

    They therefore decided that the best way to weaken Humans prior to invasion was to eliminate the Queen.

    Silly plan really, which is why the Daleks never win!

  2. Ah, mystery solved , I couldn't ask for a better explanation , many thanks. What a great site too! There's everything there including some nice Gerry Anderson ones I didn't remember.

    Used to love those sets and thought the backdrops were great.

  3. I agree: those backdrops were very atmospheric. (And glad to have helped.)

  4. This set is one of the "Super Action Heroes" range. We have an unused version of it scanned & ready to go, so we will be adding it to Action-Transfers.com in due course. Keep checking the front page — as new pages are added, their links appear there to make it easy to find new stuff!


  5. Hang on, I can make that link active for you…

    Action Transfers!

  6. Great stuff , Splatarama. Some super pictures there. Thanks for the link set up. : )

    1. Did letraset do the transfers on the front cover of the first couple of issues of Doctor Who Weekly ?

  7. Replies
    1. Cheers for that. Didn 't know Letraset had bought Merit and Thomas Salter toys either - you live and learn, eh!
