Thursday 27 December 2012


At this point in time, when we all have a moment to reflect on things before preparations begin to usher in 2013,  i'd like to throw a question out to the audience.

Where should we go next?

Would you like to see new topics covered, ir is it a case of - if it aint broke, don't fix it.  More vintage space toys, less modern, more off topic toys or stick to hard core andersonia ?

Answers on a postcard please....


  1. I think the coverage is about right- I have a preference for space toys and space comics, but the occasional forays into related subjects are usually also of interest. I wouldn't be too interested if it was just Anderson related, although I, like most other readers, was heavily influenced as a youngster by his shows.

  2. Thanks Andy - its too easy to become self absorbed and just flag up stuff that i' d like to see, so feedback is extremely important - negative and posutive. Wotan

  3. I think you have it just right.

  4. Put me firmly in the "it ain't broke" category!

  5. I'm with Andy. Hardcore Andersonia restricts the content severely. Anderson was predominantly Sci-Fi and space so that is a great core with plenty of diverse opportunities for blogging. And the occasional foray into other topics is a good break from things.

  6. Well like they say "space is big - really big" so theres plenty of scope and stuff to cover yet. The anderson purists are catered for in other sites, so look forward to another eclectic mix next year!

  7. So basically things are business as usual. ; )

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