Tuesday 11 December 2012

We'll Remember It For You Wholesale

Over the last four years of blogging, its been my great pleasure to see a multitude of toys that i'd assumed had been lost to the mists of time. Probably the best example is the Submarine Aircraft Carrier that I saw fleetingly as a kid in a closed shop in Liverpool: This then appeared as an actual toy, some years later to everyones surprise and envy!

Twelve months ago, after the LP Moon Bus had been posted on the blog, I posted about a rare variation that i'd seen in my favourite toy shop nearby where I used to live, which appeared in a window boxed set along with a few accessories. Unfortunately, I was just passing through at the time and wasn't able to convince my dad to buy it, so it remained on the Wotan Bucket List for many years. Just this week, fellow collector Arto managed to win a mixed lot of LP space toys and amongst them was an LP Moon Bus, but rather than the standard red and blue finish, this was a bright orange with black treads. Also, the bus had a rocket launcher fixed to the top, the same design as appeared on the smaller moon tractors. This caused a little confusion and Arto speculated that it may have been a fan made addition, but as soon as I saw the photographs, I realised this was the very same toy that I had spotted back in 1970!

So the appearance of the orange bus both consolidates my distant memory and gives me hope that other fugitive toys may yet appear in 2013!


  1. A lovely tale and a great result. Exactly why I set up the blog. Superb. I'd love to see that box set one day!
