Thursday 13 December 2012

Dinky UFO Interceptor

The Dinky UFO Interceptor. A lovely die cast representation of Shado’s first line of defence - if you ignore the colour!

Like most of Dinky’s output, the Interceptor went through some changes. The missile started off in white and orange but that changed to yellow and black, and combinations of the two. The legs went from orange to red. The chromed parts were eventually dropped leaving just plain red plastic. The canopy went from plain clear to a blue clear plastic. And, I read that the early versions of the model used the figure from Joe’s Car as the pilot.

I got mine in the early seventies. The box is long gone but I did manage to hang on to most of the card display.

There’s still burn marks round the nose reminding me of when I used to put caps between the missile and the model's spring loaded hammer for that added special effect.

The Dinky catalogue and Meccano Magazine for July 1971 both featured the UFO Interceptor, the latter using the card display artwork with the addition of Moonbase

The box artwork as seen on this advert which I first remember seeing in Countdown comic.

A promotion for the Interceptor with Oat Krunchies and Puffed Wheat breakfast cereal. If I remember rightly Oat Krunchies carried some features about the UFO TV series on the back.


  1. If only Corgi would do these nowadays.

  2. A beautiful toy, which is amazingly durable. Like the SHADO mobile they often surface at car boot sales. I wonder if they'll outlive the TV show itself? Was the original design by Mike Trim?

  3. Mike did do a design for the interceptor, Woodsy. But Derek Meddings rejected it in favour of his own.

  4. Hi, would you like to sell it? x

  5. I have an original obtained from the oat krunchies offer.🤗

    1. Send me a piccy for the blog please! Email at the bottom of the page.
