Thursday, 1 November 2012

Woodsy Live on Radio Celtica Friday 2nd November

Radio Celtica's Bill Everatt talks to me again about Project SWORD toys live tomorrow night at this time Friday 2nd November. So Keep on SWORDIN 7pm GMT Radio Celtica tomorrow. Join us for Cool conversation about the best space toys in the world!


  1. Nice one Woodsy, will try and catch that!
    Love the "Night Of The Demon" stuff that was posted recently...that
    film is a total gem!
    Thanks for the Youtube "The Casting Of The Runes" link....I don't
    think I have seem it! Definitely time for coco and cake! hehe.
    Best wishes to all.

  2. Will catch it on the rebound, time difference being what it is out here on the Left Coast.
