Thursday, 16 August 2012


Back on Moonbase for a 48 hour pit-stop after successfully completing Operation Danish Pastry. Attire to be re- washed and ironed and sundry vittles to be re-packed for Operation German Sausage commencing Sunday.

Base Denmark was filled with the friendliest, most welcoming earthlings this side of the Little Mermaid. We have never seen so many people cycling everywhere. Missus Moonbase and I did not want to leave.

Humorous localisms picked up whilst on Base Denmark: Notits means notice, Boghandel means book handler, Badfart means road to the baths and Slut Kamp means sports final. Oh and Atomkraft nej tak means nuclear power no thanks.

Further reports and pictures of our Dane and Teutonic summer rovings to follow at the end of August.

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