Saturday, 12 May 2012

Hope Opera

Star Wars IV: A New Hope - is this the best beginning to a Sci Fi / space opera movie ever? I wonder if the Kenner toys would make decent film stand-ins for these models?

What would your choice of Sci Fi - space movie opening be?

Gifs: Giftopia


  1. Must agree as opening scenes go, that's a hard one to follow. Star Trek 'The Undiscovered Country' started off with a bang :)

  2. Not exactly films, but the two SF show openings that I made a great impression on me, and that stilll grab me, are the beginning of Fireball XL5 and the original "boldly go" Star Trek opening.

  3. The old b/w troughton era dr who titles gave me nightmares as a child! I love the outer limits lead in too " we control the vertical, we control the horizontal..."
