Saturday, 12 May 2012

Crack in the Blog

Hi Woodsy, I've done some screen grabs from Crack In The World for the blog. They’re taken from a VHS tape so the quality isn’t high but hopefully they give a little flavour of the film.
Mike B
Woodsy says: originally sent to me in January 2012. Sorry for the delay! It's a great flick. It reminds me of The Day The Earth Caught Fire. What's your favourite disaster movie?


  1. Wow, I never realized Steve Martin's film career started so early!

    (Just kidding; in reality, what I never realized was that Dana Andrews with white hair looks just like Steve Martin.)

  2. Back in the 70's, my favourite disaster movie was The Towering Inferno (1974), which I saw several times. After looking over the New York skyline on the WTC top in 1988, the events that followed was the most warped liaison between fact and fiction history can provide.
