Saturday, 21 April 2012

The Micro Bus

Messing about with some tiny plastic caps I looked at a yellow one and thought, Hmmm, Moon Bus! So a few bits of plastic later and voila, the Micro Bus! It's so titchy it's positively quantum! I took a few photies of it bussing around Moon Base.....
.....and having a few tiny coloured caps left I whittled together a Micro Booster. I've got that shrinking feeling, ha ha! It's addictive! More miniaturised creations welcomed!

1 comment:

  1. The smaller the scale, the bigger the horizons! Very cool and recognizeable booster there Woodsy. These very, VERY fine scales give me a better sense of vast interstellar space when swooshing them about the house (much more than a 1:35 scale model which makes my living room feel like a paltry couple hundred yards wide). Its just those darn tiny figures that keep getting lost among the dust mites. ;)
