Sunday, 1 January 2012

Toad On The Team

Not wanting to the Postings hog,
We invited Toad to join the blog,

Warmed by her witty repartee,
Please welcome Toad most heartily!


  1. Don't have time
    To create a rhyme
    Thank God, a new face
    here on moonbase!

  2. Now this is a great start to the New Year on Moonbase!
    Congratulations Toad, look forward to your influence :)

    "On the eighth day of Christmas,
    My true love gave to me,
    A Toad in the Moonbase Christmas Tree!"

  3. (smiles) Thanks, guys. Though I don't get why I was picked when others contribute more than me. But I am so pleased!

  4. Spectrum Steve1/02/2012 8:43 pm

    You don't know why you were picked Toad? with a midichlorian count like yours thats why Yoda & Mace Windu (or Woodsy & Wotan-Same thing really)chose you for the Moonbase Jedi Council.....remember the Force will be with you....always

  5. You make me blush, Steve. (smiles). Sssshhh. Don't tell then I've embraced the Dark Side, will you?

  6. Spectrum Steve1/03/2012 8:03 pm

    'Come to the Dark Side......We have cookies!'

  7. and on the Light Side we have wookies!

  8. Dark Side Cookies? Mmmmmm. Much calories in them, I fear. Yes.

  9. So the choice is between a big hairy lunk who will look after me and a biscuit filled with dark chocolate goodness? Tough choice. Let me think about this ...
