Thursday, 6 October 2011

Three Times A Ledy

Gasoline Alley

Here we have the ubercool Bandai-licenced Ledy Excavator a la Thunderbirds. I have blogged about this Mexican beauty, the Escavador Lunar - and the boxed Apollo set it comes from - twice before [sorry about the title!] because I really love the Excavator shape. It's not a toy or kit I personally own in any guise but there'll be more to follow soon from reader Ferryman.

I always thought that the TB pod vehicles like this one were totally SWORDesque. Equally the SWORD Moon Ranger would have looked so cool coming out of TB2 [that needs photoshopping or modelling somebody!]. But which SWORD vehicle might the pod craft have been housed in?

Anyone else got an Excavator, X-Car or any other TB2 pod toys?


  1. (nods) I agree - the Moon Ranger would look awesome coming down the ramp of a TB2 pod. I 2nd the plea for someone to model that.

  2. Got the Imai large and small kits of the X-Car.

  3. I note Robert, the XL5 robot in the foreground, too.

  4. And is that dear Zooney partly hidden by the claw of the machine?
