Wednesday, 26 October 2011


Just picked up what looks like a loose military mono rail by Blue Bird from 1989 at the local boot sale. Once I've set it up I'll post a snap or two. In the meantime, having googled a bit, I think it's the monorail and carraiges of this Zero Hour set.
PS. Where have all the vintage toys gone at car boot sales? He-Man, Ghostbusters, Thundercats et al and even earlier stuff from my own childhood? There used to be tons!


  1. Ha,ha - so 80s toys have become the new vintage ? what does that make sword and spacex ? ancient history ? :-D

    Ebay and all the tv programmes promoting a fast buck from a boot sale has changed the market. Go early to any boot sale and youll see a mid-twenties chap with a holdall and a concerted expression, hastilly stuffing He-Man et al into his bag. Basically, all the good stuff vanishes into the clutches of would be dealers now before it hits the tables. What a shame.

  2. (nods) ... I've seen that pre-dealing too. It is a shame ... and shameful.

  3. I've seen that happen with justabout anything I'm interested in, from (lifesize) militaria to vintage tinplate trains to space toys to you name it. No boot sales here on the Continent, but local street markets and the odd garage sale get plucked clean as soon as they're open. Flea markets have since long been barren of anything to my taste, it all having gone to (first) specialist swap meets, next the local specialist auctions and then to international specialist auctions. And ePay of course, since the last 15 years. Not to say one can't get lucky, but it certainly ain't what it used to be.

  4. It ain't. I've heard that in the US they have Yard Sales in the front yards of individual homes. I've not seen these in the UK. Maybe they're better for old toys straight from the attic! Are they just a US thing?
