Saturday, 10 September 2011

Moon Base Calling

Memories of the Moon Base I cobbled together a couple of years ago. The egg-cooker Housing Unit always makes me chuckle!


  1. Is it ... (gulps) gone now (fights back tears) ... FOREVER?

    Personally I thought it was a great effort!

  2. Thanks Toadia. Dismantled but not gone forever. Currently stored in a large crate in our loft, which is bursting at the seams with life's detritus. To think it was once the office for my world-wide ever-expanding all-consuming vintage toy empire! Well I did get some T-Shirts and business cards made!

  3. I'm lucky enough to have one of your business cards! It's a good one. But I didn't realise you were seriously thinking of making toys into a business. You don't strike me as the type, somehow. You're far too nice, and you'd want to keep everything! LOL. Same reason I could never have a bookshop.

  4. That's very kind Toadia. Yes, I lived the dream for a while, a powerseller on Ebay, 2006/07selling tons of vintage toys. Even if it didn't last [your'e right, I'm not disciplined enough] I'm glad I tried and got out of my 'career', which I hated with a passion by the end. It must be the same for a lot of people. I've been skint ever since I left but I've enjoyed the different jobs I've had in the last 6 years. And I still sell occasionally on Ebay and Amazon just to keep my hand in. You never know, I may return one day to full-time vintage toy selling! I've still got the T-Shirt and the business cards, which my daughter designed for me.

  5. I'd love a bookshop too!

  6. Doing a job you hate has to count among the vilest things in Life, so good for you in making that decision, Woodsy! Completely the right thing to do.

  7. Like Toad I am so glad it isn't gone forever but merely residing in the "Loft In Space"!
    Nice work Woodster!

  8. "Loft in Space"! LOL. I like that.

    And good to know you are still about, eviled. I was concerned.

  9. Hi Toad...yes, still about although this year has been very up and down.

    I have to admit that the "Loft In Space" is one of Woodster's sayings though, I just remembered it when I read this thread.

    Hope you are well Toad, missed you! :-)

  10. That is really awesome---looks like it was fun to build and play with you.

    Mmm, dream jobs---owning a bookstore, and buying & selling vintage toys....

    And the "Loft in Space" pun is excellent!

    Gordon Long

  11. (nods) Yep, I'm well, thanks, eviled. Lots of good things been happening .... some of it's even been happening to me. LOL.

    And I'm touched you missed me (smiles). That's a nice way to start the day!
