Tuesday, 12 July 2011

JR Partly

Back in 2009 I recieved this message in my mailbag from Jeff in Canada [I replied at the time]:
Hi Paul….I was doing a Google search for Ranetta Submarine and came upon your site. I have one of the Ranetta SA-107 Submarines….but I know nothing about it…do you have information on this toy? Thanks Jeff, Toronto , Canada.

Last Month Jeff contacted me again about a different toy. Simple plastic animal novelties by JR [aka JR21] are a particular interest of mine and I had thought that the 'Squirell with a Rolling Nut' may have been one of theirs. Jeff sheds some light on this:

Hi…I stumbled upon your website after doing a google search for “Squirrel with Rolling Nut”. I have a Squirrel with Rolling Nut toy but it is made by OK Toys. I have attached photos of it for you to view. I guess this was made in Hong Kong and the factory would put whatever name you wanted on the bottom of the toy. I don’t have the box for my squirrel, and I think the nut and tail are suppose to go up and down as the squirrel rolls across the floor, but the tail and nut on my squirrell don’t move when rolling across the floor.
Hi Jeff
Thanks for sharing your pics. They are excellent. It's a lovely toy and typical of the fun plastic novelties from 1960's Hong Kong. OK were a prolific toy company. My own particular interest is in two novelty companies: JR or MR [usually written in a diamond shape] and )$( [or Hsi] and also T toys [aka Tai Hing] who made plastic planes, boats, cars and spaceships.I'll post your pics on my blog. Hope that's OK! [ excuse the pun! ].

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