Monday, 6 June 2011

Yonezawa 21st Century Tube Rocket Set

Reader Paul Kaiju kindly sent me these two pics of his latest Yonezawa 21 Century toy set, the marvellous tube train. I love the box art in particular with the distinctly SWORD-like Task Force engine! Paul has sent me some footage of his set but being a luddite I'm at a loss as to how I can post it. I will consult greater minds. Anyhow, any more Yonezawa 21st Century toys out there?
Coincidentally I saw a different set on Fleabay so here's a shot of that one too but I can't find it anymore and forgotten it's name! I'm having a senior moment!

1 comment:

  1. I love the box art. It looks like Shigeru Komatsuzaki's style.
