Tuesday, 3 May 2011

We are not alone

 At least thats what it would appear judging by the volume of UFO based goodies available. Rocket Punch kindly sent me these fab shots of 'Chocovader' premiums from Japan. Apparently based on real life sightings and documented experiences, the series of small toys shows a range of classic UFO shapes and types. Very nicely made and painted at such a small scale too!


  1. Aaaaah, now it makes sense. It's the penguins who are reporting the sightings!

    Well if you're going to believe anything a penguin tells you ....

    Lovely set, RP.

  2. its okay - looks like that saucer is about to pppp-pickup a penguin!

  3. Personally, I feel sorry for the poor astronaut being dragged up off the moon. I just hope it's not Paul Foster.

  4. LOL ... No, no, no, RP! He is not being dragged off the moon. He is rolling on the floor in laughter at the thought anyone could have thought it was a real UFO.

    By the way, Paul Foster says "Hi". He is just fine on the moon, but mentioned something about being slapped hard by Straker. Dunno what he was on about, do you?

  5. But I am real worried about what the other UFO is doing to that monkey. Mind you, the monkey does seem to be enjoying it.
