Monday, 2 May 2011

Hoth Property

To try to make up for the missed Chopper Ace set at last months local Car Boot sale, I bagged a bundle of vintage Star Wars toys on Sunday. When I used to have a stall at toy fairs I occassionally sold a few Star Wars vehicles and figures but tried to stay clear as there were so many dedicated dealers. When I saw this old bin liner full I thought what the hell and agreeing a modest price I walked off with said bag heading for the nearest cantina bar! I have had some fun cleaning and tidying the toys this afternoon and you can see my efforts displayed above. All original 1970's but mostly incomplete, there's a Millennium Falcon, Rebel Transport, Scout Walker, talking R2D2 [sadly mute at the mo!], X-Wing, Hoth Fighter, various figures and one of those pesky Chewbacca Bandolier belts [not pictured], which must be the bane of all collectors, as the soft black foam decays into a sticky mess that gets everywhere, as was the case with this lot!

There were a few bits and bobs that still elude identification, which are pictured below. It also includes a non- Star Wars action figure head, shield, arm and sword. Anyone have any idea what these items are?

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