Friday, 8 April 2011

Seeing the Attraction

I was cruising through a few old copies of Countdown comic the other day and amidst the TV21 reprint material and other stuff, there are one or two original stories and one offs by various jobbing artists, including one of my personal favourites, Brian Lewis. His style is quite technical and detailed, whilst at the same time individual and stylish.

A particularly good story I fondly remembered from back in 1971 is the stand alone 'Space Tug' strip. This featured a small group of spacefarers who ran a salvage ship for hire, called unsurprisingly the Space Tug. Lewis took his inspiration clearly from the craft and styling of 2001 a Space Odyssey, especially the Lunar Shuttle Aries and the distinctive space suits. Countdown had blatantly lifted the Discovery for its flagship strip and used it extensively with only a name change, but Lewis created ships and environments which could have easily been 'off camera' in Kubricks opus.


Heres a pastiche of the ships and craft from the strip. The other big attraction for me was they all had a nice Spacex feel to them with strange, globular engines and unusual shapes.


  1. The 2001 Orion shuttle appears in a Captain Scarlet strip in Countdown comic as well as the Countdown main strip too (as Earth Controller Costra's personal ship). The 2001 space station also makes an appearance.

  2. Very nice artwork. It certainly would been nice to read these comics here in the states as a kid.

  3. Love thoase crazy little Booster Rockets! And the biog ship is such an organic shape. I had to laugh at 'Von Broheim'! Werner will be turning in his grave!
