Friday, 8 April 2011

Century 99: C21 Mister Softee Ice Cream Van

Here we have the plastic Mister Softee Van by Century 21 for your personal tasting. Yummmmmmm! Fresh from the Ferryman collection. I love the little portrait of Mr. Softee on the van with his curlytop hair - reminds me of Max Headroom or those crazy guys in DEVO! But was Mister Softee the same as Mister Whippee? And was Tracy Island on it's rounds or did Brains rustle up their sundaes? My own fave ice cream when I was a nipper was a raz ripple screwball with a bubbley in the bottom and running a close second was a delicious jammy ice cream wafer sandwich! Deelicious.

There is mention of a Century 21 Topo Gigio Ice Cream Van in Dennis Nicholson's 'Guide' book but I've certainly never seen one. If it's like the other two Topo vehicles by C21 then it may be in a red and yellow SWORDesque box. Anyone ever seen one?


  1. Nice.
    I had an ice cream van as a kid but was more like a Ford Escort Van. Had sliding windows and a nice striped roof and nice interior details!
    Bloody little cousin copped for it.

  2. No, I'm sure Mr Softee wasn't the same as Mr Whippy!

  3. that was by Corgi, Ed
    had one too :)


  4. Oh great picture Paul...haven't seen it in more than 35 years!
    How could I forget the "Walls" logo and those cone shaped designs!
    Thank you so much for that...what a trip down memory lane that was!
    I liked my lorries and diggers the most as a kid but I had a "softee" spot for my Walls ice cream van.
    How did you rate in your collection Paul?
    Thanks again!

  5. Until seeing this toy here on this blog, I had no idea Mister Softee made it across the Atlantic! Definitely one of those items to be filed under "things that would have blown my mind if I'd known them at the time."

    (And looking them up online, I see they've recently branched out into China, where they offer green tea, red bean, and kiwi flavors. Amazing.)

  6. In Germany when I lived there a popular ice cream flavour was Waldmeister [or Woodruff]. Green in colour, I've not come across this anywhere else. Anyone?

  7. Tell you the truth, Ed, I'd plumb forgotten about it until you mentioned it. So had a google and discovered it all over again. Even though there's a chance I still have it somewhere (but where :) At the time it was one of many Corgis and Dinkies, though quite a distinct one indeed. Can't quite remember how I got it, but suspect it was a gift from when my Dad or both parents went abroad.

