Tuesday, 22 March 2011

This Week's Rollover

Amongst many treasures in this British Pathe newsreel from the Brighton Toy Fair 1968, there's some cool footage of our friend the Rollover Tank. Check it out around the 35 seconds mark. For a quick view of what's in the film click on the 'View as Stills' button.


  1. Nah, it's a trick. It doesn't roll over ... she kicks it (grins)

  2. Is the Ferry seen at approx 10 seconds the same one that appeared as a send-way offer with corn flakes?

  3. could well be - but looks a bit big for a freebie/send away. Theres the Eldon 3d Scenic model next to it of the underwater scene!

  4. The box underneath says "[?] Cargo Ferry Set" and it is by Eldon, too.

  5. Yes, you're right. Sorry, I wasn't thinking properly (blushes). It's age, y'know.

    The one I had in mind was this one ... smaller, simpler, but similar ... BUT it dates from 1965. Sigh. I am losing my marbles, aren't I? Ooops ... there goes another one. Catch it someone, quick!


  6. This one maybe?


    Note also the link in the item description for an advert.

  7. ... Or like this one, should I say, not to switch continents.

    By searching for Eldon Car Ferry in Google Pics you can also find a smaller boxed ferry version.

  8. Thank you, Arto. That does seem to be the one I had in mind. ^_^ Interesting that both this one and the version in the video are both Eldon.

    Now, either the seller has misremembered the year, or more likely this offer was available more than one.
