Monday, 21 March 2011


I love this 1974 Russian moonscape over on John Sisson's ultra-informative Dreams of Space blog. John has given me kind permission to post it here. I couldn't help noticing the similarity of certain designs to machines in the worlds of Sci Fi and NASA. I've compared them below: from left to right: Thunderbirds' Sidewinder, SWORD Ant/ NASA MOLAB and the Lost in Space Chariot. Have the Russians copied them?
John has also posted earlier Russian moonscapes from 1965. Here's one below. Now why do I think SHADO Copter!
You can compare all of the 1965 and 1974 versions of these Russian artists' concepts over at John's Dreams of Space blog.


  1. Da ... is looking like they copied from something, for sure. Doosverydanya.

  2. (ack) damn lack of editing tools. Draten raten ...

  3. I do like that 1965 pic. Has a wonderful innocence about it. Those cars are lovely ... and the people talking at the kiosk!!!! Love it!

    S.H.A.D.O. 'copter? Dunno why ARE you thinking that? (feels Woodsy's forehead ... "hmm, no sign of a temperature" ... "drinking, perhaps?")
