Monday, 21 February 2011

Madel Madness

Since posting Ferryman's fabulous 2001 toys I have been grazing on the cyberplains for more Odysseys. I never realised that Madelman was such a huge collecting area particularly in Spain. There are some fantastic blogs on the little fellow, which include what I think are Customised 2001 boxes and possibley suits [the Google translation was a bit confused]. Can anyone shed any light on these [the links are below the pictures]? I'm assuming that Madelman is the Spanish version of my own childhood favourite Little Big Man by Bradgate/Lion's Rock. I wonder if there's a Little Big 2001 Man?
Picture Above: Madel Man Blog Show

1 comment:

  1. Although of a very similar scale MADELMAN is different to LITTLE BIG MAN. Packaged very similarly too so I can see the comparison. Sadly there was no LBM 2001 figure but I wished there had have been. Check YOU TUBE as there is a vintage black and white TV ad for the figure with some stop-motion of the little guy in the space suit too.
