Friday, 7 January 2011


Whilst browsing Nyrath the Nearly Wise's brilliant site Projectrho I came across the above stunningly SWORDesque rocketship drawing. Described as a High Performance Space Plane, it was conceived by DARPA in the 1970's. Nyrath has kindly given permission for me to post the picture and also flagged up the fact that further information on this cool rocketship is available at Up Ship and Astronautix, where the artist's impression of a 1980's re-vamp below appears [DARPA].
There's something distinctly SWORD-like about both of these ships, particularly the top one. Coloured red I reckon it would fit neatly in the fleet, a possible TASK FORCE 4 or SCOUT 4! What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Yes, agree with you completely, Woodsy.

    Although ... ideally I'd like a little yellow SpaceX version.
