Saturday, 8 January 2011

The Movable Hands of Forever

I love this alarm clock money box over at Main Street Toys. The box caption is profound ' To Increase Your knowledge of Time'! Just think if we really had to pay for Time! I reckon Doctor Who has one of these! Of course, it's a TARDIS brand Time Meter! Now what date - past or future - would you set the 'alarm' for, how much would you be willing to put in the money box for it and why?


  1. Actually, a coin-operated box for "buying time" is a really good story premise…hmm, must ponder this further!

    The shrewdest investment you could make would be to send ten vintage dimes back to, let's say, 4 May 1938 with instructions for the recipient to buy ten copies of Action Comics #1, currently valued at one million dollars, and put them in a bank vault for you. You'd probably also have to pay your historical confederate in winning horse tips or something, to keep him from raiding the stash during the intervening years when the comics are worth a few hundred thousand dollars.

  2. I dunno ... don't those with jobs they hate already pay for time? (sighs heavily)

  3. BTW, I DO like that box!

  4. If i had one ... I'd put in just enough money so that I could send it back in time to buy the "Clock Money Box" I had .... so that in the future I could put in just enough money to send it back in time to buy the "Clock Money Box" I had ... so that in the future I could put in just enough money to send it back in time to buy the "Clock Money Box" I had ... so that .... HELP! I'm stuck in a time loop.

    Message to anyone with one of these: please send a message back in time (with money) telling me not to buy one of these.
