Sunday, 10 January 2010

Base-ic Desires

After posting my St Micahel space set yesterday, I did a bit of research into the Eagle figures and came across this excellent Flickr presentation showing the 1978 Airfix Trade catalogue. The owner, Craig Stevens is a big fan of Eagles and Micronauts figures and has kindly given his permission to use this pic.

Pictured is a rather excellent base for the Eagles figures, which I assume never made production, but is very unusual as it shows an imaginative use of modular units and an over shape not unlike an oil rig.

He's also looking for information on the origin of the 3 3/4 inch figure scale which found popularity with the release of Kenner Star Wars figures, but also appears to have been adopted earlier by makers of toy soldiers such as Tudor Rose and Cherilea. Craigs work is shown on his website here:

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