Sunday, 9 March 2025


 A couple of photos I took tonight in the back garden which  I thought I'd share with all, as we're all on a bit of a star trek at the moment!

One of the waxing gibbous Moon and the other of the Orion Nebula. Sadly, the sky isn't as dark as I'd like,, as there's a bit too much light pollution from the nearby pub carpark and the next door  neighbour's illuminated  garden but still nice to take a few snaps.

A photo from the back garden. You can just about see the constellations of Orion, Taurus, and a couple of stars from Gemini. The Pleiades is in the far right hand corner.


  1. That's some great photos, all i have at my disposal is my phone which over the years and various upgrades have given different results, I used to do a lot of "sky fishing " for ufo's, i think i captured a couple of the triangular craft a while back while taking photos of the ISS have caught anything like that?

    1. I'd love to catch a shot of the ISS, Marky. I believe there's a phone app which tells you if its passing over your location. Whether my lens would capture it I don't know . A photo of it passing across a full Moon might work.

    2. I use Star Walk 2, its great for all the meteorite showers, the best being in August, a number of years back, before I was married and it was so much easier to take a tarpaulin to the beach, wrap it around yourself and just watch the stars i saw 150 meteorites in an hour and a half!!@

    3. That sounds brilliant, Mark, I imagine there wouldn't be so much light pollution on the beach at that time.

    4. Its not perfect, but when the clarity is good you've got the vista of 5-6 miles of the Solent to the west and open water to the east towards the channel, check out google earth for southsea seafront, the promenade by The Yomper.
      Have you got dark skies near you?

    5. Sounds good, Marky.
      No very dark skies near me, unfortunately. The beach front might work, but we have Blackpool just up the coast which tends to have a spot light, presumably from one of the piers flashing across the sky.

    6. Just had a google and came up with Pilling Embankment which is a registered stargazing site
