Tuesday, 18 March 2025

Secret Admirers: our Secret Sam Cane Shooter

 With our Lone Star swords done and dusted, here's the first of our two Secret Sam homages.

This is our updated Topper Secret Sam Cane Shooter.

Rather than a golden lion's head, this cane has a rather snazzy modern golden snake's head.

As usual, Bill's wonderful card art makes all the difference. I sourced the pharaoh's sceptre from a joke shop on eBay and shortened it.

Hope you like it. The secret's out! 


  1. Sweeet! Love that cobra head handle Woodsy! and Bill hit another home run with the card!

    1. Thanks a bunch Ed! At first I tried hard to find a lion head like the original but their expense and how cool and cheap the snake heads were I opted for one of them. Glad you like it!

  2. So Bill had to Photoshop a snake's head into the photos on the backing card?
    A lot of hard work all round!

    1. Yep, all part of the fun Looey. Cheers.

    2. Shopping the Cobra head on was the easy part Looey - finding good quality original art for the basis is often the hard part. Francis Drake was a tiny bitmapped image in a screenshot from a catalogue! Bill

  3. Paul Adams from New Zealand3/19/2025 4:37 am

    Another great project - that snake's head fits perfectly, and really looks as though it belongs. Well done to you both.

    1. Thanks very much Paul. Yeah, the snake head sceptre screamed Secret Sam when I saw it in the joke aisles.
