Monday, 17 March 2025

Looey's Small Film Steps

Hi Woodsy!

You were asking about my progress on my puppet fillum...

I've completed a 1st version of the pre-viz which clocks in at 10 minutes. After suggestions from my collaborators (the Missus and my ex-work pal) I'm working hard on Ver. 2.

The only finished footage I've completed to date is my opening ID. This is all composited real imagery (as opposed to CGI or AI) I've smashed it down to low rez for posting as opposed to the 4K it was shot in!

If you're interested I can detail how I actually did it! (SPOILER it's actually more basic than you might suspect!)

Keep on Bloggin'
Oz Base


  1. Intriguing Looey.
    It has a Toho film logo look about it.
    I'm guessing some kind of rotating glass or perspex sheet or ornaments, back or side lit, multipley exposed for the background, maybe ? With the logo and figure blue/green screened on top separately, and comped in After Effects or similar ?

  2. Paul Adams from New Zealand3/18/2025 8:12 am

    Spooky, and a bit creepy. What comes next, we ask ?

  3. Amazing work Looey, good luck with the rest!

  4. Lovely opening logo! Very professional! I loves me opening logos! SFZ
