Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Lips Manlis and the Sunny Smile

A recent car booting trip proved fun. I bagged this trio of vintage toys that came back to Moonbase with me.

The two carded figures are the only two carded figures I own and at £15 for the pair I couldn't resist. 

I've been aware of Playmates' Dick Tracy figures for decades, including the fabled Blank and this Lips Manlis is a trip down memory lane.

Captain Power is not a line I know at all really but this carded Chase figure was in such fab condition I got it as well.

The huge green Action Man tank is not the Cherilea original but the later Sunny Smile release, which I think is the same as Strike Force. It just needs a dusting and some of the decals re-glueing before going on maneuvers. A snip at £4 I thought.

Are these toys you know readers?

1 comment:

  1. Captain Power was an innovative line of toys from Mattel. The vehicles and playsets interacted with the tv set via VHS cassettes and programs. For example, if an enemy fighter appeared on screen and fired at the Powerjet, the toy would react by making damage or explosion sounds and eject the pilot! I think there was a certain amount of interactivity with the toys, via infra red beams, so that they could simulate dog fights etc. The figures were quite nice and the Powerjet was especially cool. Bill
