Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Ed's Azrak-Hamway #6371 Star Trek Phaser Water Pistol


Here's a little sumthin' I picked up recently that you might like. Normally, I don't collect Star Trek stuff, but I got this for a reasonable price so what the heck!

Anyone else got an Ahi Phaser like this?

From Vegas Base


  1. I had one. It was a good reproduction of the original phaser, and not too bad size-wise. I had the squirt gun, and a disc-shooter that I believe was the same maker, and maybe even one that just made a 'click' noise when you fired it. And I know I had a smaller one that was a flashlight. And a larger one with a flashlight and these silhouette-type cutouts to put on the front. Can you tell that I was a big-time Trekkie during that "golden period?"

    1. You were a big Phaser fan Baron! A Trekkie alright! Was the golden period in the Sixties would you say?

    2. In my experience, the "golden period" for being a fan of Original Star Trek was in the 1970s. Fandom was insane. Conventions, merchandise, tons and tons of paperbacks, the cast members were young and made themselves accessible, it was an amazing experience. Certainly the "golden age" for the *show* would be in the 1960s. But I've never again experienced anything like 1970s Trek fandom.

    3. I'd go along with that. I bought loads of Star Trek books then and even the UK had conventions with guests!

    4. I attended the first Star Trek Convention in Milwaukee some time during the '70s (I forget the year). It wasn't a super big affair and I don't recall seeing anyone dressed in Trek costumes. Gene Roddenberry was the guest speaker and I believe James Doohan, DeForest Kelley, and several other of the main actors were there. They aired the pilot 'The Cage' and it was an odd mix of black-&-white and colored footage because, at the time, there was no known complete color footage of the pilot so they mixed in what they had available. I don't even remember if there were souvenir booths selling stuff.

    5. Almost forgot: as part of his presentation, Gene Roddenberry had talked about plans for an upcoming movie. At the time it wasn't locked in and ideas were being bantered back and forth, but the excitement of having a movie made was quite palpable.

  2. I don't have a Ahi Phaser Ed alas. It's a gorgeous thing. Such an iconic design someone came up with at Star Trek. Recognisable anywhere. I think Remco did one too and a utility belt.

    1. Agreed on the design. The people responsible for the props and models for Star Trek were masters of the craft! They did amazing things with what resources they had.

  3. I like that. I've got the Wand Company phaser, which is a great replica.
