Saturday, 15 March 2025

BBC Radiophonics One Last Time

I was interested to see on the BBC News that the BBC Radiophonics Workshop had a final reunion this winter at their old Maida Vale studio. 

As a youngster I adored the workshop"s fabulous LP records of horror sounds, two of which I still have, but probably the most impactive and famous thing they created was the Dr.Who theme tune.

All Gallafreyan pensioners now, these 1950's pioneers of electronica enjoyed once last blast together in February.

Like my own records from the 1970's, most of the workshop's iconic sounds can now be enjoyed and used by artists and musicians everywhere.

Did/ do you like their work readers!


  1. I've got their sf sound effects album, which is handy for models. Got their Space Themes album too.

    1. The two I haven't got Kev. Horror all the way for me. Great records tho. Inspired.
