Saturday, 1 March 2025

Arto's Sears Super Sonic Jetliner

Re. your blog post on the subject, I sent you these photos of my orange Sears Super Sonic Jetliner back in 2022. 

It came up here in Finland, in great working condition and with a survivor original box. It is an imposing, sizeable toy in its 62 cm long box.

Sad news, the Suomenlinna Toy Museum which featured my space toy exhibition back in 2017 has closed down after 40 years. Still reeling from the shock.

Helsinki Base

1 comment:

  1. Paul Adams from New Zealand3/01/2025 11:21 am

    That is a really beautiful aeroplane. The overall shape is very similar to the Vickers VC-10 airliner, apart from the nose, and the double cockpit blisters. But the wings, engines, and tail are very close.
    Sorry to hear about the toy museum. Such places are very special.
