Wednesday, 26 February 2025

The Bandai Sears Supersonic Jetliner

 I've never seen this Bandai tinplate beauty in the flesh. I think it was a Sears Christmas exclusive.

Online auction pictures like these have to suffice but boy oh boy does it look grand!

Has anyone been lucky enough to have one?

The double teardrop cockpit blisters really make it for me. The flattened engines too. It's so Gerry Anderson! What a toy, almost too good to play with!

Do you like it readers?

oh, and here's its US patent diagram online:


  1. Paul Adams from New Zealand2/26/2025 9:37 am

    That is a stunning toy. The twin cockpit blisters are very like those on the Douglas XB-42 Mixmaster, twin-engined bomber prototype of WW2.

  2. A truly sublime toy aircraft - I had never even heard of it! SFZ

    1. The orange paint scheme immediately reminded me of that supersonic airliner in Joe 90!
      Battle of the planets/Gatchaman had the G-1 jet with a twin cockpit bubble...

    2. Sublime, yes, good word SF!

    3. I must track down a snap of that Joe 90 airliner Looey!
