I like this unusual figure by Linda. Its all new to me and one of a number of Linda dolls I've seen, this, the first male one and certainly the first Lone Ranger.
Anyone got one?
Linda will be known to Thunderbirds collectors for their vintage snowglobe. SpaceX and Golden Astronaut fans may know their Apollo Spacers range of knockoffs, fabulously covered on Paul Vreede's website here https://www.triangspacextoys.info/SpGAderv/LNDA/LndaCpPg.html
I had a beautiful Hartland non-articulated hard plastic Roy Rogers and Trigger as a kid, but no large action figure. I also remember having a beautifully decorated Roy Rogers guitar and hand-crank telephone as a kid. They were of course child-sized but it was fine with me. My room had Roy Rogers drapes and bedding as well. (can you tell I was a Roy Rogers fan? hahaha) Right now, I have some smaller scale Roy toys.