Sunday, 26 January 2025

My Custom Ahi Planet of the Apes Stunt Cycle

 Being a big fan of vintage Planet of the Apes rack toys I thought I'd have a bash at making my version of the Ahi Stunt Cycle.

See what you think.


  1. The monolith is a nice touch.

  2. Paul Adams from New Zealand1/27/2025 12:11 am

    An excellent re-creation of an old toy. The ape head is a good fit on the rider.

  3. Very nice model, it's good to realize your ambitions! But now I'm back on an old peeve of mine. Who makes this tech for the apes? At least in the 1968 movie, they seem to be barely iron age, and yet they have guns. Oh, and a CAMERA. Where is the workshop turning out these marvels? I wanna see the guy with the oil rig and refinery to gas up that cycle, let alone the mechanical and electrical engineers to make it run!

    1. Oooer! I never thought of it like that! P.S. Don't even think about the Harrier jets in Battlefield Earth!

    2. There's probably a word for this. Continuity? Completeness?

  4. In the animated series, the apes drove motor vehicles. In the original novel, they had modern technology.

    1. I imagine ahi went off the animated series Kevin.

  5. Paul Adams from New Zealand1/27/2025 8:44 am

    In the films, the apes took over from 20th Century humans, so they should have at least had 20th Century technology, even if they had not made any advances of their own. Of course, they were anti-technology, as it was associated with humans. Obviously, they made an exception for things like guns.

    1. I've added a small Playmobil rifle to the ape's back now Paul
