Saturday, 4 January 2025

Even Smaller and Smaller

In response to Ed's micro LEM model, I came across these figures while building a vintage Aoshima Saturn V kit last night. Having made the model, I noticed what I assumed was flash still on the sprue, as no more parts were shown in the instructions. Then my failing eyesight realised they were tiny spacemen, barely 3mm high!



  1. Those Boys Be TINY! Never in a million years would I try to paint those! SFZ

    1. I can just about see them! the main model is a brilliant, ill show it later bill

  2. Paul Adams from New Zealand1/04/2025 5:49 pm

    Tiny indeed. If they are only 3mm tall, they must be about 1/600th scale ?

    1. The model itself is 1/144, but they are too big to fit in the 5mm diameter capsule. Think they were more for effect than accuracy. To be in scale with the kit, they would have to be less than a millimetre.

  3. Wow - Micronauts! Nifty find Bill.

  4. I didn't buy the Bandai 1/350 scale Space Battleship Yamato kit when it came out.
    (despite the awesome Yoshiyuki Takani box art!) Partly because of the eyewatering price, but mostly because for some unknown reason it was modelled off the video game version which messed with the proportions of a perfect design.
    (The Yamato :2199 anime remake version avoided this crime by keeping to the original silhouette and merely adding deck rails)

    But the 1/350 kit featured an in scale deck crew which topped out at around 5mm tall. How you were expected to paint their intricate uniforms was beyond me!
    Given Tamiya features some pre-painted components, those crew members were crying out for that treatment!

    1. ...Bridge crew, with Yuki's yellow and black jumpsuit and Okita's traditional uniform!

  5. An eagle-eyed find, Bill. I'd have missed them :)

  6. They have to be record breakers Bill!
