Sunday, 1 December 2024

The Advent of Calenders anyone?

It's the first of advent and with great excitement the Grandkids have opened the first window of their advent calenders.

I really don't recall doing this as a kid in the Sixties. Do you?

When did advent calenders start? 


  1. Woodsy, growing up in the '50s &'60s I don't ever recall seeing them. It wasn't until getting stationed in Good Old Deutschland in the '80s that I found out about them. As a fatter-of-mact, I still buy my daughter's their annual Advents calendars - the ones filled with chocolates. As well, my granddaughter gets her own calendar and she has more-or-less trained herself to restrain from eating all the goodies at one sitting (something her mother has yet to learn LOL)

    1. Ha ha, it is a temptation. I remember the Advent Wreath at home, and when living in Germany too, the Adventkranz, but calenders have only entered my life really since my Grandson was born 8 years ago. They get a huge calenders now as long as a door - like shoe tidy - filled with small chocs and gifts. They have to stand on a chair to reach the first week of December!

  2. One of the best

    1. Wow, a part work as a calendar! Clever!
