Friday 4 October 2024

Space Junk

 Like Woodsy, the devil will often make work for idle hands and if I am at a bit of a loose end, I enjoy nothing better than a delve in the scrap box and knocking up a quick model or customisation from junk. Sometimes the idea arrives first and its a question of finding the parts to fit, whilst other times I will come across something that immediately suggests a shape or a model.

I've always been a big a big fan of gumball capsules and similar plastic domes, so last xmas i came across clear plastic baubles that you could fill yourself to make decorations. Straight away, I saw a use for them as a space station, with a Spacex theme, so a quick wash of orange and lime green paint and some bits from the box and voila!

Another use of an xmas decoration was one of the silver baubles, instantly reminded me of the second Soviet moon probe, Lunik. So once more the superglue came out and some parts. This in turn inspired a run of probes and satellites, so I churned out a few more with various kit spares and bottle tops!

Finding a toy golf ball holder sent me off on a mission to build a Von Braun Mars Cruiser next, like the wonderful designs in George PAL's 'Conquest of Space'.


  1. Brilliant! I especially like the Spacex one.

  2. Brilliant, I especially like the Spacex one.

  3. These are great, especially the spacex one!

  4. Thanks Kev, thats praise indeed. Speaking of Spacex.. any plans for new builds yourself ?

  5. Cheers, not imminently but they come upon me without warning!

  6. A glorious use of toy junk to make space junk! There's nothing cooler than vintage Soviet space designs! SFZ

  7. Lovely creations, Bill. And I love the cigarette card treatment! :)
    Best -- Paul

    1. a combination of two of my fascinations!
