Tuesday, 29 October 2024


A few catalogue scans of various classic and vintage toy guns. Hugely popular in the sixties, with the popularity of spy, war and western films and tv series.



  1. Paul Adams from New Zealand10/29/2024 5:08 pm

    In the fourth scan - I had that Sub Machine Gun With Sliding Magazine. It was green, with a silver-grey magazine tray. I think the muzzle was red ? It did eventually break where the barrel joins the body, but I think I might still have it - somewhere.

  2. I've got a boxed Dan Dare Radio Station out in The Cave and I used t have that Kenner shoot-around-corners pistol

  3. I've got the super sonic gun (in fact, that's mine in the photo!). I also scratchbuilt one so that it still fitted my grown up hand, which the toy now doesn't!

  4. I’ve also got one or two of the things pictured in the catalogs. I’ll try and take some pics and post them when I get a chance! Will O

  5. Reading about all those Lone Star 100 shot repeaters (courtesy of those rolls of green paper with gunpowder blobs) I remember how the cordite fumes used to corrode the die-cast metal internals.

    Interesting that the Wehrmacht forces actually had a real Schmiesser machine gun that could shoot around corners.
    Pretty useless in a front-on fight!
